Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Preparing Rapini

My family loves rappini or broccoli rabe as you see it mentioned on TV, especially on the Italian cooking shows.
Here is one way I like to make it. I cut the tips off of the rappini, wash it and then cut the remaining into approx 2" pieces and steam it untill it's tender.

Then I slice and saute onion and chopped garlic in some olive oil and add the rappini with some of the cooking liquid till they are all tender, approx. 30 minutes or so on medium heat. This is an excellent dish and can be eaten as a side dish or tossed with some pasta. I always add some hot pepper flakes to mine and of course, salt and pepper to taste while cooking. Rappini have a unique taste and can be bitter if not cooked right but some of that flavor is part of what makes them so delicious!

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